Monday, June 28, 2010

Traffic control ya Kuwait!

Ok... I HATE for my first post to be bitching and moaning about issues that we have, BUT.... but the way kuwaitis and non kuwaitis drive in this country is waaaay beyond my understanding and comprehension! For the past month I have been living on the edge of my drivers' seat fearful, scared and terrified with horror tears that run down my eyes wanting to arrive safely to my destination.

**Do not signal when switching lanes:
People, for some idiotic reason, do not want you to be on their lane driving in front of them. So.... you signaling to switch from your lane to theirs is a signal for them to accelerate and zoooom into your spot trying to kill you. My advise is..... do not signal, just switch to the goddamn lane and get it over with. Do Not Alert Them!!


  1. LOL thats what i tell everyone .. driving in kuwait is a 50/50 chance of someone making it safely or alive!! it is MADNESS!!! no rules apply to them and for some reason girl drivers are clumsy but men are simply DANGEROUS!!!

    magol ela Allah al 7afth inshallah ..
    7asoon i just blogged about u a few weeks ago :) so mashallah 3mrk 6weel .. mabrok ur graduation o garrat 3ainik blkwait :) im so happy ur back man!

  2. thaaanks it's really good to be back :)
    you blogged about me? how sweeet hehe I need to read this now!

    glad you visited No3ik.. I'm gonna try to keep this up and running

  3. yeh mn al7een agolik its going to be difficult ..
    nothing is like the good old days! and ull find it hard to fit in again, but it will happen with time i guess.

  4. i'm a bad driver --"

    nice blog ! bas 3an el kesal :P
